If you’d like to contribute to the archive pictures related to each of the Spector siblings you can upload pictures and movies (under 20 min and 3 GB in size) at the following links:
Gussie and family – http://nigelworks.smugmug.com/ upload/zjhB7s/gussie1spector
Rose and family – http://nigelworks.smugmug.com/
Kate and family – http://nigelworks.smugmug.com/
Izzy and Family – http://nigelworks.smugmug.com/
Earlier and overall stuff – http://nigelworks.smugmug.com/
Remember –
Please add captions or other embedded Metadata so we know who is in the picture, when it was taken or any other data you know – see how to add meta data – http://www. scanyourentirelife.com/best- way-add-description-caption- your-scanned-photos/ prior to uploading.