Tag Archives: uploading

How do I share my photos and videos?

If you’d like to contribute to the archive pictures related to each of the Spector siblings you can upload pictures and movies (under 20 min and 3 GB in size) at the following links:


Rose and family – http://nigelworks.smugmug.com/upload/8DXQ82/rose1spector

Kate and family – http://nigelworks.smugmug.com/upload/jWjRbX/kate1spector

Izzy and Family – http://nigelworks.smugmug.com/upload/3dFmxM/izzy1spector

Earlier and overall stuff – http://nigelworks.smugmug.com/upload/GTdxrk/sam1bessie

Remember –

Please add captions or other embedded Metadata so we know who is in the picture, when it was taken or any other data you know –  http://www.scanyourentirelife.com/best-way-add-description-caption-your-scanned-photos/ prior to uploading.